There is good quality evidence to show that acupuncture is a good treatment option for sciatic and other nerve pain of the leg. There are several acupuncture channels passing from the area of the lower back and hip down the legs. These often follow the pathways of pain described by patients and can be used to help to relive the pain. We use local and distal points on these channels to promote the circulation around and away from the site of pain and promote healing.
Acupuncture has been found to have an anti inflammatory effect in the body. It works on local muscle and nerve tissue to promote circulation of blood and immune system modulation. It has been found to have an effect to reduce the sensitivity of pain preceptors in the brain. Acupuncture is also understood to promote levels of serotonin and noradrenaline which help with pain control and speed up the repair of nerves.
I am seeing fantastic results treating sciatica with Tui Na with many patients saying they feel altogether better!