Acupuncture works according to the principals of Traditional Chinese Medecine (TCM) where illness is caused by a blockage of vital life energy (Qi). Fine needles are placed at specific points (Acu Points) which follow energy pathways (Meridians) to restore the smooth flow of energy. This stimulates the bodies self healing abilities and increases vitality.
Acupuncture also activates the release of endorphins - the bodies natural pain relievers. It affects the functioning of the hormonal system promoting decreases in inflammation, increased circulation and pain relief.
Like Tui-Na, Acupuncture goes beyond the muscles, bones and joints to work with the body on a deeper, energetic level.
''The Tao is the one
From the one come Yin and Yang
From these two, creative Qi
From Qi, ten thousand things
The forms of all creation'' (Tao 42)